Hi Just wanted to tell you that SS is doing all kinds of crap and I couldn't publish stuff either...And I can't chat either, it won't work...What I had to do was duplicate my post to drafts and publish that new draft. The old one never published...maybe try that. I will tell Ashley for you.

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Is substack getting "twittered"? What do you think? I'm just adding up all that appears.

Ah we know the masters of war will do what they will if we don't stop them. NOw the gov has some kind of "good deal"..oh, yeah, daddy's gonna hand you the keys to the kingdom this time....for US males who join the "IDF".

I'm thinking....where's the deserted island big enough for all of them?

I think that peace loving Ozzies might love abandoning the land of no mountains for the awesome NOrth American Continent, leaving all of Australia for the world's "warriors". One way ticket, my the best "man" win. We can invite the Aboriginals to Oregon where they'll feel at home with Bigfoot.

We gotta do something.

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wow, I can reply!! Thank you for letting me know, Heather.

My computer just plain stopped allowing me into the internet for the past 18 hrs. I thought the ants had got it. Thanks for passing on to 'Ashley too.

Yesterday, every single time I posted a comment, I was froze out of that place immediately. So I couldn't tell you....your covid memes were epic and some of them so brutal. I approve. Steady, sober inclusive post too. How do you do it? I wonder if Ashley's right about Musk buying in......the plot thins and becomes soupy.

I think we're still crawling out of Andy Warhol's drug-basement campbells soup and five minutes of fame. .

I wish for all the technology to go away, and when it does I freak out. What a dummy.

Is it any comfort that Cassandra's always been with us? Gifted with prophecy, and cursed by jealousy to be not heard.

You're a jewel, and you deserve better than this horror. We all do.

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