
Dang, anytime I post since end of April now, I can't get into my stack as author.

As if someone is so freaked out that they have to read every post before I'm allowed to post another. Sick of it, frankly.

I do suspect, as I 've said before, from this evidence, that big earners on ss who ....oh, SS, weird....tend to censor a lot seemed to have options to buy in and gain extra "power".

Playing the very same games as the ones they claim to be "bustin' "

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I know some substackers are concerned about censorship, including Reinette Senum, but I don't know the details...

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Ah, haven't gone to her stack for some time. Thanks. And thanks for the pledge, It's encouraging, I think I have a real life project..other than myself...to encourage me to accept help. Thanks. I'm thinking how to do it. Now I'll think more. Money is my blind spot. Huh, money? Oh, yeah, Food. And a shelter to count on would be awesome!

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Wow. I came to read this again, to reread it before starting my post on the water element, which I'm itching to do.

And I am having an experience I've had before regarding my writing.

I wrote that? Not bad.

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Please note, folks, which SS authors have retained fully their "like" capability, and which haven't.

What's going on is in plain sight. Shaming themselves. NO, they hold no shame. they are incapable

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Really enjoyed this post, not sure how I stumbled on it!

"How to nourish, maintain, and recreate ... "

I do bodywork on horses, which allows me to connect to their enormous hearts. When I'm doing it right, the horse will turn his head and show me 'the light in his eye' - but just one eye 😂 , they know we are not evolved enough to handle the light from both eyes at the same time! ( okay that's not really true, sometimes they give us light from both eyes... , it was just a random thought that popped up 🤪 )

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wow, that's so true there...well, think now, one eye takes in, the other eye puts out. Even for animals, the eyes are the windows to the soul.

You can see what's really up with people that way. Look at a full face photo, each half separately. Right eye putting out. Left eye receiving. So very much info there. Sooo much.

It's a sure seal of human's stupidity that they think they're smarter than animals.

Only humans think they can survive by ignoring the evidence of their senses. No animal would last one day in denial.

Love horses, so loving and psychic they are. But they put me up on one once, and that's too far off the ground for me. They're big. I respect that. I'm little. I respect this too.

Great Being has always sent me what I need to read and know. No problemo. if it's meant for you. you'll be led there. Perfect.

More coming. Soon. Not only has my ticket out of the Inferno been processed, I feel like I'm on the flight log all of a sudden.

What a difference a day makes. We musn't forget this.

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And thanks so much for sharing this experience. It's in my treasure room, and someday I'll receive that too from a lovely horse.

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Beautiful post. Thank you for sharing!

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my pleasure; glad you enjoyed

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