So….Germany is employing Biotech for its state plan….just as the US has co-opted Moderna.

It is clear that the lines between state actors and private entities in the bio-engineering industry/space have long since blurred.

The way I see it….governments of the West (likely governments elsewhere as well, like China and Russia) long ago invited the tech/fin giants into their house as guests. Bad move, but everything is for sale. Birds of a feather flock together.

But the sophistication of the tech/fin elite and their own evil self interested motivations have long since conquered any supposed public servants. The coup took place some time ago.

The likes of Gates et al already own us….and the brokers for on what terms….i.e. the politicians and the masses are so in love with their individual illusions (delusions) of security, freedom and happiness that we are fast reaching the point where those of us resistant to being assimilated will simply be eliminated with their heat seeking missives of propaganda weaponized by righteousness born out of ease versus principle. It has always been about power….but the power is being centralized under the guise of decentralization and the masses seem incapable of recognizing the danger inherent in the age old adage “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.”

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ah, biontech as moderna, hadn't caught that angle...frankensteins!!

humans...hobbits...spend so much time digging holes to hide in...so they don't end up "in the hole", one way or another....when does the high school soap opera end for them? Never?

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thx, great article...unreal...almost.

I've been meaning to tell you that your comment on the David Icke video was priceless - hysterical. It knocked one of the chips off my shoulder. Everyone was singing his praises - as they always do - as he was incessantly whining about not being able to get on the high-profile shows - and you said - to his son - something like "Gareth, you really need to take your dad for a walk around the block. His big belly is an indication of his huge ego." Something like that...anyway, you had me on the floor!!! And it is so true. And Icke will never give credit where credit is due. I was a big fan of his work prior to our meeting, but knowing now that I was the one who set him on his paranormal trajectory, keeps putting a few more chips on my shoulder from time to time.

Interesting backstory. I met Icke back in the 90's - if you want to hear more, email me and I'll fill you in on some interesting stuff...

I just thought you would be one person who might be interested in my brush with Icke? Or, now that I think of it - you might think this is all too crazy to be true too? Oh well, I guess I might find out if you happen to see this comment?


I always love your posts...and your snark...💖

Here's my email if you want to respond somewhat privately...or if you're too busy, believe me, I get it...



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will do. Haha. Well, yes, I've figured this out recently..makes sense, no? It appears that these male egos are so fully incorporated, embodied...in "maleness"as body, aka, penis...and as they get older and more "convinced", it starts to look as if the ego will expand until the belly blows wide open. By all rights it ought to be the phallus itself which blows up and out , but evidently it's just got too much of a mind of its own to go along with that ego thingy.

I swear, these old men lately look fully pregnant. Saw one last week as appeared to have "dropped" and be ready to pop.

Ah! All the way west ends up in the east!!! hahahaha........weird world, eh?

Comic book world.

Not in the least surprised, re. you meeting Icke. He does not intimidate me, he used to be a football player, for chirssakes. I've met some strange outliers myself. I took them as "warnings" of where I don't need to go.

I also suggested once that I would love to hear his son speak now and then. That's happening more. Heehee. He's quite the misogynist. Big surprise. Those "football" songs are brutal bloody women hating stuff.

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