Thanks for writing this. Always loved Bonnie R doing Montgomery. Sending to a friend, there are so many of you, victors over that one wrong turn. Glad your intuition and self- righting instinct are strong!

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It's because of this . This is the most powerful placement in my star map.


There have been so many wrong turns. A couple of them produced miracles. How I am still alive is explained only thus.

There is no fearlessness to courage. It's only courage if you fear and do it anyway. If it's right to do. Sometimes Great Spirit sits you down on your ass for a few hours and says, "don't move". Sometimes it says, "get up and walk, don't look back. "

Only those without personal agenda have ears for that.

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Excellent video! Long live Mula!

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Don't miss the comments under.....very very educational.

If you want a longer and more detailed discussion,


We are still awaiting the "Pai Team" doing Mula.

Dr. Pai, who is primarily a business man, often enters discussion of subjects he really isn't currently educated in. So, stick to hie astrology , the stories he brings are wonderful, and very illustrative. Interpret them for yourself.

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Always interesting to read about the childhood Catholic adventure and its associated torments. Often it leads to people who produce creative work later. I don’t know if the suffering causes it. I have a theory that when suffering seems to be “thrust upon people” by “karmic?” Life circumstances, it makes for a kind of “involuntary tapas” (tapas as in austerities, not snacks lol) Tapas produces siddhis. (Known to yogis) Creative talent could be looked at as a siddhi. The same might apply on the population level, the enslaved blacks developed or received an enhancement of the phenomenon of “soul” from their involuntary tapas as a population.

There is an element of “involuntary tapas” in Monarch Programming also, I suspect. The preacher “Marjo” was forced into being a “child prodigy” by his parents. I think something similar happened to Michael Jackson. Then the movie “Crumb” shows the crazy environment that RCrumb came out of, that his other two brothers were in some ways destroyed by.

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wow, so much richness here

Thanks for pointing out about tapas...yes, I've known that word for a bit, as Indra is always in indryias jail for a few thousand, and then he does it again. But to have it pointed out that the mexican tapas is just the opposite...the humor cracks it all open for me!! I wonder if a plate of tapas was ever experienced as a "tapas"? ( food poisoning tonight!!) LOL

I watched Searching for Sugarman again last night. That man's tapas appears voluntary, yet I woke this morn knowing somehow, something was said to him early in life. Also, his one pointedness is quite intense. His songs have no cheer, and so they seeded where there was none, and bloomed into the truth under the "cold facts", the core beauty of life by which we know what is not of life. And what is. It's a truly massive human story. Like Checkslovakia, the revolution, or whatever it was, was fed by a band called "The Plastic People of The Universe". It was begun by a bearded Oregon hippie. My friend in Hawaii had to leave at one point, and have her family declare her dead. The soviet rulers took away their license to perform anything but at weddings at one point. so all the young folks started getting married and having huge parties. Then all license was removed, and so they gathered out in the woods, as my children did when growing in the northwest mountains.

The reason digitalized music took over is because they saw the power of music. The digital disco unreality and the cocaine, the society was saturated. From '80 on. So they killed it with the machine, as usual. But the young still pay a lot and travel to hear "live" music, but it's all the same machine. Unless it's acoustic around the campfire. That's where the real musicians are.

No, this grooming cult and all that comes with it for more than ten thousand years now, it's not human nature. It's a "program" as you mention.

Karma was first invoked as Saturn's law of sewing and reaping. It was limited in time I would expect. Expanded to explain the caste system, that's what I want to cut through and purify.

Hey, dig, Trevor Moore also was raised in a singing religious tv cult family. He had to sing with them on stage, and one night he refused. HE DID NOT OBEY.

His parents screwed up big time, because the mike remained on as they beat his ass while he was screaming and crying backstage. Lord, the boy was born to reveal truth.

In an interview once, Greg Brown was asked about his religious background, his dad was a holy roller for a time, and it was remarked by the interviewer that many wonderful singers and musicians had come out of a church background. Greg added: "At a dead run. "

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