Song you're missing is probably this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Zee05t906M

Live version, 50+ years ago... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adkTrPJJWnM

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Yes, so many thanks to you. Brought me to tears immediately to hear it again. So beautiful, I'm going to learn to play it. So I can sing it.

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hey Laughing,

I would love a bio, I bet it's a winner!

I'm taking your advice here and keeping it in mind, I suspect it might be useful!

I have limited time to read, as my health plan seems to require a lot of movement, and my life plan requires a lot of driving 😜 Anything that is available as audio on a CD is wonderful. if I can't get it from my library sometimes I can get it from thriftbooks Etc...

I guess I will check to see if you are making these posts into podcasts? I get it, that is a whole extra level of difficulty...

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Okay. I was knocked out of SS all day yesterday, again, and on and off and now on again , this morning. This is getting tricky!!

My life's been complex, I don't quite get it myself. I'll do my best. Just talked with a computer guy who 's gonna get me back into the functions and all that. I've been advised to do a podcast, years ago, but I tend to rant in the mornings. Brilliant rants, but for my own ears only, you know? When I can, I'll start recording them, like everyone else does, and glean what's reasonable to express from them. That oughta complicate whatever "reputation" I may have! LOL...the mystery insists

But yes, I'm going to focus on astrology, because frankly it's all there....strangely....and do these also as podcasts. Thanks for pushing me farther. My Moon placement just wants to rest in the clouds, and is hard to get started.

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Hey Phar....hope you're OK, or even better these days.

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hey nice to see you here!

I actually finally finished my horse body work course!

I am just looking at a book titled " why isn't my brain working " highly recommend. it says I need to go run up that hill until I am totally out of breath, which is what I'm going to do now.

I looked in the index for methylene blue, it's not there, but I'm going to keep taking it anyway.

I hope you are well too!

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Hangin' in there, here...some days it feels like my mitochondria are forming a union and practicing one of those work-slowdown actions (or lacks thereof), but most days the combo of MB, kratom, H2 fizzy water and a bunch of other supplements make it possible to enjoy my 6-days/week half-mile swim and most everything else. Found that book over at annas-archive.org & downloaded it. We (us, Kemo Sabe?) need a fun term for MB's green pee effect...I'm thinking something to rhyme with 'matcha', but haven't stumbled upon a prize winner yet...I'll let you know if wee find a winner.

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what is up with kratom? is that helpful for something?

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A. Whitney Brown (ex SNL writer & performer) turned me on to kratom around 2016, vouching for its effects as a mild-to-moderate stimulant. I bought some and didn't start using it until I moved to No.Carolina and started swimming. Originally I was using 1/8 teaspoon before hitting the pool...I forget when, but at some point I experimented with 1/4 teaspoon. It boosted the stimulant effect some, but more importantly for me, it also reduced my pain level when walking or standing (bad spine...pool is fine, walk/stand doesn't take long at all for discomfort to show up). So I kept to the 1/4 teaspoon. There's a guy near Austin (probably where Whitney gets his) with a site called Brave Botanicals where you can read about a variety of sub-species usually identified by their color. I use the plain vanilla kind. For whatever you're targeting, one color or another may be worth reading up on...if just looking for a energy boost, try the plain old green stuff first. I mix it in water with a bunch of powdered minerals & vitamins and a fiber supplement and drink that all down just before heading for the pool, which is about 5 minutes down the road, so once I get my mask & snorkel on, I'm ready to rock 'n' roll. Hope this helps.

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Good info! I use bronkaid from the CVS if I really need an energy boost, but it has the same drawback as caffeine, the crash later so something better is worth looking into!

I also use Acetyl L- carnitine ( ALCAR ) because why not,i t's good for the horse, so...

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thanks for the laugh!

Right back atcha !

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Okay. I'm going to do a post on how I stay healthy.

Attitude helps.

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A thousand likes. Didn't even know I was in need of this.

After my mother passed from a ten year journey through early onset Alzheimer's with me as her end of life caregiver, someone asked me, "What is your metaphor for your mother?" And my immediate answer was "the Moon". My mom was always one to be in wonderment and reverence for the moon. And the night of each of my two children's births she took pictures of the moon. She would always tell my children " I love you to the moon and back." And after she crossed into the next realm, I always felt like I could connect with her through the moon. I never before this post grasped the deep and profound relevance of all that. I am so inspired now to dig into all the learning laid out here...thank you.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

I'm not allowed "likes" lately, but a massive Thank You for this! Not only is it an amazing story and so intimate and wondrous, but it adds so much SOUL, and without this, we don't really understand.

In the stories the soul is revealed.

Blessed Be...you've given me reason to carry on with this

If you don't mind, I"d like to have your permission to quote this: Attributed to you of course.

PS "Didn't even know I was in need of this. "

YES! That's why I requested people just share it.

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Absolutely. You have been one of my "legs of sanity" keeping my table upright during this time of transition since first discovering you on the stack. If I remember correctly it was via comment section of SageHana-in the EARLY days...

Mutual appreciation. I am looking toward to DEVOURING your guidance on this topic.

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Haha, "sage hana". Boy, am I a persona non gratis there!! I don't suppose a one of them has bothered to read Naomi Wolf's outrageous classic yet, "The Beauty Myth". It was only too ironic that they would be pulling that sheet on her!! LOL

Do shoot me a question anytime. I'm going to focus on this now. Start from the beginning and all that.

I can show you every thing they want to do with events from their timing, and who they are meant to prop up and who to bring down. Trump's public statements are always timed to correspond to those aspects of his chart that they want to highlight. That's why they don't want us to know it.

It's easier to study the chart of someone you've known long enough to have observed their behaviors. We can't see our own backs. That's why we need one another.

Again, questions anytime. openlenconvocations@protonmail.com

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WILD! Just tried to email you from my own protonmail account to be connected and proton auto removes your address and gives me a message they are doing it.

Next level fukkry.

Try emailing me at kmca444@pm.me and see if it goes through...

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went thru on this end, let me know....what fun, fighting "The Man"

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LOL...not surprised, all this is coming from an EU law imposed on the internet companies, more fascism, money money money...ridiculous!! I'll attempt to blast through, or send through another, eh? Let's see...well, I'm still allowed here, so ...

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Very generous offer and look forward to connecting even more...

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Like button also dysfunctional here...thanks for the history.

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